Payment Method

Payment Methods
Methods of payment available are based on the country where you place your order and the total amount on the bill.


The transaction will be processed by PayPal, an external financial service provider. During the checkout process, you will be redirected to PayPal and pay with your account there. Your data will not be transferred to our service. After PayPal has completed verification, your order will then be processed.


When shopping on our website, payments will be processed in USD. If your credit card company or bank uses a different currency, the final transaction price may differ due to currency exchange rates. Please contact your payment provider for further information.

The Spread of Love

Each red flag represents a successful case of helping children improve their hair health, and they need your support.

CaiGaiBai® map filled with love

where each small red flag represents a child helped by caigaibai®. From the nature reserves of South Africa to the bustling cities of the United States, our care has reached across countries, improving children’s hair health. Every flag is a testament to warmth and hope, carrying forward the spirit of love and beauty